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Basic install instructions for all productsUpdated a year ago

When installing any of our products, and really anything in general, there are some basic instructions that may be helpful to you. This all used to be common knowledge but over the years it seems like people aren't taught these simple rules that often. 

  • Do not tighten bolts/nuts all the way until all hardware is installed.  When installing a bracket, leave the hardware a little loose so you can fit the bracket to the truck, then use the hardware to hold it in place.  Too often, people will tighten one bolt all the way before getting another one inserted, and then stuff won't line up and they freak out thinking a bracket is made wrong.  Just snug the hardware up, then come back and torque it all afterwards. 
  • Stop using impacts and air tools for everything.  Hand tighten hardware first, to make sure the threads aren't crossed up and that you aren't running into resistance from other issues.  You can use impacts and air tools once you get the parts threaded together, but don't just go straight to powered tools for everything.  You'll miss out on obvious issues and you might even destroy the hardware. 
  • Never force anything.  If it won't go together or come apart, there is a point you'll reach where you need to stop and figure out what is going on.  Is there debris in the threads?  Is something cross-threaded?  Are you putting a fine thread nut on a course threaded bolt?  If it doesn't go together or come apart easily, something isn't right.  Figure out what is going on before you destroy the part/hardware or hurt yourself. 
  • Pay attention to details in the instructions.  We get it, you can usually look at our products and figure out how they go on, but we've seen so many dumb mistakes turn into a huge problem because someone didn't want to read the info we provided.  Just take a few minutes, read over the install guide, test fit brackets, and just get familiar with the part of the truck you're working on.  The more you know, the easier things will be now and in the future.  Life is hard enough, don't make it harder because you're in a hurry or think you know everything you need to know. 
  • Do things right the first time.  We have a poster in our shop that says "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"  Sometimes we get in a hurry and tell ourselves we'll come back and redo it later, but how often does that happen?  Just slow down, take the time to make sure you're installing the part correctly, and then you probably won't have to mess with it again.  Nothing is more annoying than installing a new part and then spending the next several weeks adjusting or redoing something because you were in a hurry the first time.  
  • If you get frustrated, take a minute and assess the situation.  If you get mad and start throwing tools, beating on your truck, or whatever else, you're just going to make things worse.  Younger guys, take it from us old dudes, you'll save yourself a lot of time, money, and aggravation if you just step back and take a moment when you get frustrated. 
  • Always, always, always make sure you are positioned safely under the truck when you're working on suspension components.  Make sure you are using jack stands, and they are placed safely. Chock the wheels so the truck won't roll.  Don't be under the truck when someone is using a jack to raise or lower the truck.  Basically just be aware of your surroundings, and have a plan to get out from under the truck if anything shifts.  
  • Eye protection isn't just a good idea, it's almost mandatory when you're working under a truck that has been in mud or has rust.  
  • Go back and recheck all of your hardware after you've driven the truck for a few days.  People really underestimate how important this is, but with new hardware, once torqued it will stretch out and need to be torqued again.  This is really common with jam nuts and U bolts, but it can happen with all hardware.  Don't end up with an install issue or broken part because you didn't feel like taking 5 minutes to check the hardware again. 
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