When will my order ship?Updated a year ago
This is a very common question, and the answer varies from product to product, and day to day. If you ordered an item that is listed as "in stock," that will ship within 48 hours of the order being placed, in most cases. Exceptions could be due to payment holds, incorrect inventory in our system, shipping address issues, or if we need more information from you before fulfillment. When the product ships, we will send an auto-email with the tracking info.
On products that are listed as "built to order" or have lead times posted on the product page, the shipping date will vary depending on a multitude of factors - some we can predict, and others we can't. To prevent miscommunication, we won't give you an estimated delivery date until the product(s) you ordered are moved to the packaging status. While in production, there are too many variables to accurately predict when an order will ship, and we don't want to give you incorrect info. Our philosophy has always been that we make the best parts, and sell them at a fair price - but we do not specialize in shipping orders quickly if the product isn't already on the shelf. The more time we spend trying to predict when an order will ship, the longer it will take to ship the order - it doesn't seem like a big deal to you as an individual, but if we're spending 10-15 minutes per order, 50 times per day, it really adds up and eats into our ability to fulfill orders. We're as up-front about our philosophy as we can be. If you order from us, you'll get the highest quality products for your truck, but you're going to wait longer in most cases than if you ordered somewhere else. With a lot of our products, we are the only place in the world to order them, so obviously the demand for those items is not real high. We try to position our business in niche markets where we are solving problems that other companies can't or won't touch. By our very nature, we're a niche business - any expectations that we're going to ship custom-built products within a few days is simply not reasonable. If you need something fast, try the parts store or an online retailer. If you need stuff that you can't get anywhere else, or if you're okay waiting for the highest quality, then we're the go-to spot.
All of that to say, we don't guarantee ship times on products that are built to order, however we will let you know as soon as they are ready to ship and we will provide you with tracking info when they are picked up by the carrier. Any rough estimates we provide prior to that point are nothing more than estimates based on the info we have at that time. Things change, we can't always update you every single time something changes, but we do recognize that many customers want more frequent updates and we are working on some things that will help automate that process without slowing down the fulfillment of those orders. We appreciate all of our customers who are very patient with us and understand that quality takes time. We refuse to cut corners on products just to speed up fulfillment times.